Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

LEE WENG CHOY (p.58) Lee Weng Choy teaches art theory at the LaSalle-SIA College of the Arts, Singapore. He has written for various art journals and magazines such as ART AsiaPacific, Eyeline, The Journal of the Asian Arts Society of Austral ia and The Arts Magazine, and his publications include N ine Lives: 1 0 years of Singapore Theatre, Singapore:Views on the Urban Landscape, and Looking at Culture . Weng Choy has curated New Criteria installation art exh ibitions at The Substation in Singapore and was co-curator (Singapore) and a catalogue writer for APT3. DR MORRIS LOW (p.1 37) Dr Morris Low is Sen ior Lecturer in Asian Studies at the Un iversity of Queensland. He is an historian of Japan with a special interest in the history of science. H is current project is a history of Japanese visual culture which examines issues relating to photography and national identity. In the early 1 980s, he was curator of the Griffith University Art Collection. In 1 998, he curated two exh ibitions at the ANU Drill Hall Gallery: 'Crossing Boundaries' which included the work of Tim Johnson, and 'The Australian Drawing Biennale' wh ich was later shown at the University Art Museum in Brisbane. Dr Low is a Trustee of the Queensland Art Gallery. DR M DWI MARIANTO (p.64) Dr M. Dwi Marianto is an Indonesian art historian and critic, formerly an artist, who is based in Yogyakarta in Central Java . He teaches at l nstitut Sen i Indonesia, the distinguished art school , where he is the Head of Research Studies. M. Dwi Marianto was awarded a doctorate from the University of Wollongong in September 1 998 for a thesis on the relations between politics and contemporary painting in Yogyakarta . Dr M. Dwi Marianto publishes regularly on contemporary Indonesian art both in Indonesia and Australia . He is co-curator for Indonesia and a catalogue writer for APT3. J EAN-HUBERT MARTIN (p.90) Jean-Hubert Martin has curated both modern and contempora ry art exhibitions during his career: at the Musee National d'Art Moderne ( 1 971 to 1 982); at the Kunsthalle Bern ( 1 982- 1 985) and as Director of the Musee National d'Art Moderne at the Centre Pompidou ( 1 987- 1 990), where he curated the exhibition 'Magiciens de la Terre' ( 1 989). The Musee National des Arts d'Afrique et d'Ocean ie has been renovated under h is direction from 1 994 to 1 999 with a program of traditional and contemporary art exhibition program, m ixing artists of the whole world (Galerie des Cinq Continents 1 995). Jean-Hubert Martin is currently curator of the Biennale de Lyon 2000 ('Sharing Exoticisms') and Director of the Kunststiftung Ehrenhof to open in Dusseldorf in 200 1 . DR M ICHAEL MEL (p.95) Dr Michael Mel is from the Mogei tribe of the Hagen area in the H ighlands of Papua New Guinea. Graduating in 1 996 with a PhD from Flinders Univers ity of South Australia, Dr Mel is a performance artist, curator and writer on contemporary Papua New Guinea art. Currently Dr Mel lectures in art education and Melanesian cultural studies at the Un iversity of Goroka. He was a co-curator (Papua New Gu inea) for APT2 and co-curator (Papua New Guinea and Crossing Borders) for APT3 as well as a catalogue writer. AKIKO MIKI (p.1 1 2) Akiko Miki completed her BA in art history at Washington Un iversity, USA, and an MA in art h istory from Universite de Paris IV, Sorbonne, France. She has also held a research residency at the Visual Arts Department in ICA, London . Recent exhibitions she co-curated include 'TransCulture' at the 46th Venice Biennale, 'Immutabil ity and Fashion: Chinese Contemporary Art in the M idst of Changing Surround ings' ( 1 998) Taipei B iennial 'Site of Desire' ( 1 998), 'Spiral TV-Art on TV/TV on Art,' and 'Nobuyoshi Araki Solo Show: A Live.' TIMOTHY MORRELL (p.71 ) Timothy Morrell was Curator of Contemporary Australian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery from 1 993 to 2000. He was educated in various parts of Asia, Australia and the USA and completed a BA in Fine Arts at the University of Melbourne in 1 979 and an MA. in the History of Art at New York University I nstitute of Fine Arts and the Metropol itan Museum of Art in 1 984 . Before joining Queensland Art Gallery he was Associate Curator of Paintings and Sculptures at the Art Gallery of South Australia in Adelaide, where he was co-ordinator of the 1 76