Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

nationally touring 'Great Australian Art Exh ibition ' for the Australian Bicentenary in 1 988 and curator of the Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art in 1 992 . He curated the Austral ian Pavil ion for the 1 999 Venice Biennale and now works as a freelance curator and author. Tim Morrell was a co-curator (Australia) and catalogue writer for APT2 and APT3 (New Zealand ). FUMIO NANJO (p.1 48) Fumio Nanjo is an independent curator, art critic and lecturer at Keio University in Tokyo. From 1 978 to 1 986 he served at the Japan Foundation as a Program Director, and from 1 986 to 1 990 as a director at ICA, Nagoya. In the following year he founded Nanjo and Associates . International exh ibitions wh ich he has curated and organized include: 'Against Nature: Japanese Art in the 80's' held in the USA; 'APERTO '88' of the 43rd Ven ice Biennale; 'Japanese Art of '80s' in Germany; 'Of the Human Condition' in Japan, and 'TransCulture' at the 46th Venice Biennale. In addition, he served as a juror for the Carnegie International in 1 991 , as a Commissioner of the Japanese Pavil ion at the 47th Venice Biennale in 1 997, as Commissioner of Taipei Biennale and a Juror of the Turner Prize in 1 998. He has written extensively for international art journals including Le Cahler of the Centre Georges Pompidou, SD (Space Design), Flash Art and BT. Fumio Nanjo was co-curator for Japan and a catalogue writer for the Second APT and was co-curator (Crossing Borders) and a catalogue writer for APT3 . MARGO NEALE (p.83) Margo Neale is of Aboriginal and I rish descent and until recently was Curator of Indigenous Austral ian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery. She is now Manager, Gal lery of Aboriginal Australia, National Museum of Australia in Canberra. She has degrees in education, art and curatorship, and has worked at the National Gallery of Australia and The Art Gallery of New South Wales, where she produced a book on the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Collection entitled Yiribana ( 1 994) and co-curated the Yiribana Gallery. She is currently co­ editor for an Oxford University Press companion on Aboriginal art and cu lture through the Humanities Research Centre, Australian National University where she is also a member of the academic advisory board . She establ ished and coordinated the first and subsequent National Indigenous Heritage Art Awards Exhibitions ( 1 994/5/8), and the touring retrospective of Aboriginal artist, Emily Kame Kngwarreye . For the Second Trienn ial, Margo was a member of the National Advisory Committee, coord inator for the Aotearoa/ New Zealand and Polynesia selections and a member of the curatorial team for Australia. For APT3 she was Chair of the Curatorial Team for Australia and the Pacific and a catalogue writer. ERIKO OSAKA (p.43) Eriko Osaka is Chief Curator and General Manager of the Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito. In 1 99 1 she was Co-Curator for the Museum of Contemporary Art, Sydney exhibition 'Zones of Love: Contemporary Art From Japan' with Judy Annear. Eriko Osaka is a widely published author and curator and holds a BFA from Gakushuin University, Tokyo. She has been Associate staff member of the Art Department of The Japan Foundation , Curator of ICA, Nagoya, Programming Director for ICA, Nagoya, Senior Curator of Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito and from 1 997, Ch ief Curator/General Manager of Contemporary Art Center, Art Tower Mito. Exhibitions include, 'Against Nature' (touring exhibition in the US and ICA, Nagoya, 1 987), 'Christian Boltanski Exhibition ' ( ICA, Nagoya , 1 990), 'Jenny Holzer' (Art Tower Mito, 1 994), 'James Turrell' (Art Tower Mito, 1 995), 'Mito Annual '97 Flexible Co­ existence' (Art Tower Mito, 1 997) and 'Is This Art?' (Art Tower M ito, 1 998). She is regarded as one of the leading curators of contemporary art in Japan. For APT3 she was co-curator (Japan) and a catalogue writer. MARIAN PASTOR ROCES (p.34) Marian Pastor Roces is a critic and independent curator residing in The Phil ippines. She is presently research ing the relationship between 1 9th century universal positions in Europe and certain aspects of current political turmoil . Part of this effort is directed at possible curatorial work in the contemporary arts . Pastor Roces was among the keynote speakers in the 1 998 General Assembly of the International Council on Museums (ICOM) and is a recent recipient of a writing fellowship from the University of California in Los Angeles. She will soon undertake a leadership conference on conservancy and development convened in Yunnan, 1 77