Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

China organ ised by Columbia Un iversity. For APT3 she was co-curator (Crossing Borders) and a catalogue writer. SUHANYA RAFFEL ( p.1 39) Suh . anya Raffel is Assistant Curator of Contemporary Asian Art at the Queensland Art Gallery. She has worked on various projects in India, Sri Lanka and Singapore, most recently the 'Fire and Life' project wh ich involved residencies and exhibitions in India and Sri Lanka and is currently setting up a residency in Sri Lanka. She was co-curator for Sri Lanka and a member of the South Asia curatorium for APT3, as well as a catalogue writer. N I RANJAN RAJAH (pp.1 1 8 & 1 55) N iranjan Rajah is an art historian, cultural theorist and internet artist. He heads the Critical Stud ies Department at the Faculty of Applied and Creative Arts, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak He has served on the Malaysian National Art Gallery's Planning and Acquisitions Committee ( 1 996-97) and has curated and co-curated national and international exh ibitions, including Malaysia's '1 st Electronic Art Show' (National Art Gallery, 1 997) and the ' 1 st Fukuoka Asian Art Triennale', 1 999. He was on the Programme Committee for the 'N inth I nternational Symposium on Electronic Art' (Liverpool/Manchester, 1 998) and chaired a Session titled 'Art in an Age of Borderless Instantaneous Transactions: A Critique' at the Annual Conference of the College Arts Association (Los Angeles, 1 999). His writings have been published extensively, including Art AsiaPacific, Digital Creativity Journal and the I nternet Societies On the I nternet magazine. CLAIRE ROBERTS (p.1 36) Claire Roberts is curator of Asian Decorative Arts & Design at the Powerhouse Museum, Sydney. She has curated numerous exhibitions of Chinese art and material culture including 'Post Mao Product: New Art From China (Art Gallery of NSW, 1 992), 'In Her View: the Photographs of Hedda Morrison in China & Sarawak 1 933-67' (Powerhouse Museum 1 993) and 'Evolution & Revolution: Chinese Dress 1 700s To Now' ( Powerhouse Museum, 1 997). She has been co-curator and writer for China for the Second and Third Asia-Pacific Triennials. ASSOC. PROFESSOR SOMPORN RODBOON ( p.41 ) Associate Professor Somporn Rodboon lectures in the Facu lty of Fine Arts, Chiangmai University, Thailand. She holds an MA (Art Ed . ) and a Professiona� Degree in Education (Post Masters) from the University of Illinois, USA and was Senior Lecturer in the Art Theory Department, Faculty of Painting Sculpture and Graphic Arts at Silpakorn Un iversity, Bangkok. Professor Rodboon has served on the International Advisory Board of the Asian Pacific Confederation on Arts Education, and on the Advisory Board of the National Art Gallery, Bangkok. She is a former Director of Silpakorn University Art Gallery. Somporn has taken a pro-active role in heightening awareness of Thai women artists . She was co-curator for Thailand and a catalogue writer for both the Second and Third APTs. SANG YE ( p.28) Sang Ye is a writer based in Brisbane. He was born in Peking in 1 955 and came to Australia in 1 989. His publications include Chinese Lives (with Zhang Xinxin), The Finish Line, The Year the Dragon Came and Chairman Mao's Ark. He is also a collector of Chinese political and cultural memorabilia. H is collections have been exhibited in a number of Australian cultural institutions includ ing the Powerhouse Museum in Sydney and the Queensland Museum. For APT3, he has col laborated with writer and scholar Geremie R. Barme on the installation Hua Biao, Totems That Are Poles Apart. DR CAROLIN E TURNER (pp. 9 & 20) Dr Caroline Turner is Deputy Director, Deputy Director, Humanities Research Centre, Australian National Un iversity and former Deputy Director, Queensland Art Gallery. Whilst Deputy Director of the Queensland Art Gallery she organised a number of major international exhibitions, including exchanges of contemporary Japanese and Austral ian art in 1 987 and 1 989 and major exhibitions from the Shanghai Museum, the Musee du Louvre and the Bibliotheque Nationale, Paris. In 1 995 she curated the 'Matisse' exhibition for Australia. She is the ed itor of Tradition and Change: Contemporary Art of Asia and the Pacific (UQP, 1 993). 1 78