Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

MALI WU ( p . 48) Mali Wu was born in 1 957 in Taipei, Taiwan and is a participating artist in APT3. She graduated with a BA from Tamkang University, Taiwan before completing her MA at Staatliche KUnstakademie, Dusseldorf, Germany. Recent solo exhibitions include 'Treasure Island' at IT Park Gallery, Taipei, ( 1 998), 'Taipei Fine Arts Motel', a conceptual action in Taipei ( 1 996); 'Scriptura', Galleria Giorgio Persano, Turin, Italy ( 1 995) and 'Fake', Taipei Fine Arts Museum ( 1 994). Her work was also included in 'Inside Out: New Ch inese Art', Asia Society Galleries, New York, etc., USA ( 1 998), Taipei Biennial ( 1 998) and 'The 47th Biennale di Venezia', Italy ( 1 997). She was awarded a Fulbright Fellowship in 1 994 . Her work employs the photograph to subvert memory and social h ierarchy. Using the archive as her 'material', she employs both image and language. For APT3 Mal i Wu continues her project The sweeties with rows of childhood photographs of men and women known for their prestige (or notoriety) in society. XU BING ( p.52) APT3 artist Xu Bing was born in Chongqing, China in 1 955. In 1 975 he was relocated to the countryside for two years under the cultural revolution before enroll ing in the Central Academy of Fine Art in Beij ing and receiving h is MFA from the Central Academy in 1 987. I n 1 990 he moved to the United States where he currently l ives in New York. His work has been shown in the 45th Venice Biennial; The Reina Sofia Museum (Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia) Madrid , CAAM-Centro Atlantico de Arte Moderno Museum, Las Palmas, Spain; Pori Art Museum , Finland; Taipei Biennial at the Taipei Fine Arts Museum ; the National Museum in Ottawa, Canada, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art; I CC­ Intercommunication Center, Tokyo; and PS 1 -Center of Contemporary Art, New York. He has had solo exhibitions at the New Museum of Contemporary Art, New York, P ilar I Joan M iro a Mallorcaq, Spain, ICA {Institute of Contemporary Art), London . In 1 999 he was awarded the Genius Prize from the MacArthur Foundation . DR YAO SOUCHOU (p.1 35) Yao Souchou is an anthropol og ist and has conducted fieldwork in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong. He has a special interest in the cultural pol itics and identity formation among Chinese d iaspora. His engagement with arts and representation focus on the issue of (Asian) modernity and cultural nationalism. Born in Malaysia, he now teaches at the University of Sydney. He was a catalogue writer for APT3. 1 80