Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

perspective. The installation of Formosa club imitated a kind of middle class brothel, which I ironically used as a kind of historical relic. The door constructed with transparent glass was usually closed; from wh ich the visitor could get the inside view of the instal lation . There was an explanation sign hanging by the entrance like on most historical bu ild ings: 'Serve with Flesh'. Timeline: Historical Events in Taiwan 1 51 7 Bravo! Taiwan! What a beautiful island ! Portuguese sighted Taiwan and named it 'llna Formosa' (beautiful island ). 1 7th Century: The Dutch, Spanish, and Ch inese immigrants in turn flooded into the l lna Formosa. In 1 895, the Q'ing dynasty ceded Taiwan to Japan. When male mainlanders came they missed female companionship.' We comforted their wandering souls. 1 898: The Japanese strove to construct the island as a 'Sold iers' Amusement Park'. In World War I I , Kamikaze Togotai, suicide fighter bombers, crazily spent their last holiday here before they headed for the battle field to fervently meet their death . The island then had been honoured with the title of 'Formosa Spring'. We contributed a great deal to its worldwide reputation as a 'love country' . 1 949: Thousands of single soldiers came along as the National ist government retreated from mainland China. They vowed to guard and defend their beloved nation , the Republic of China, on Taiwan. We were dedicated to nursing their withered souls with sex in return as they opened up virgin soil . 1 954 : Under the Treaty of Defence, the llna Formosa turned into an American army supplies depot over the period of the Korean War and Vietnam War. We earned billions of US dollar currency. During those days, sugar and 'sweethearts' won the best sales amongst major exports. 1 972: Japan terminated diplomatic relations with Taiwan . The Japanese formed a new relationship by organising 'sex tours' to compensate Taiwan for its loss. We ded icated ourselves to our work to strike a balance in the trade deficit with Japan . We were ahead of compatriots . 1 980s: With effort, we provided the industry with all kinds of erotic feasts. Entrepreneurs were content with the offer of sex to help them remove trade barriers. We produced immense fortunes for them. We became the heroes of the magic power of the Taiwan fortune. 1 987 : 38 years of martial law came to an end on the llna Formosa. I n accordance with the Nationalist government pol icies, 'going South and heading West' we are ordering sweethearts, playgirls, brides from China and South Asia, to reciprocate in the international community. 1 990s: We generate 700,000 working opportun ities, annually reaching two billions of income, which gives vigour to the foundation of Taiwan capitalism . 1 998: As the Nationalist government struggles for a diplomatic breakthrough, President Lee says, We beat rivals using a holy icon of Dr. Sun Yat-sen (New Taiwan Notes)'. The burden is heavy and the road is long . Taiwan was once named l lna Formosa, 'the beautiful island'. After World War II, this island in the Pacific Ocean was ultimately free of Japanese colon isation. Ever since then, Taiwan has struggled to earn a reputation for its economical capability and was honoured with the description of 'the greedy island' where desire and lust overflows, where the sex industry is booming and where the practices of colonialism cultu re have revived. Many Asian countries share such an experience . Formosa club was produced to depict what roles and positions local women can play and hold in Taiwanese society. I am attempting to explore the truth from the perspectives of politics and the economy, responding to the phenomena of the sex business of the island and in other Asian countries. 50