Beyond the Future: Papers from the Third Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

For the Philippines, I conclude with the reassurance of prevailing. They say that people who live by the sea grow weary of the sound of the waves. The aesthetic imagination, however, replenishes the memory of the feeling of its presence in chang ing conditions. As the Philippines and Filipinos negotiate more than 7,000 islands and countless communities in about 1 6 1 countries, they will always feel their way through rough sailing, strong current, tropical depression, torrents of tears, but also sometimes through safe passages and contented travels , susta ined by the suspense that beyond the vastness of the seas l ie harbours, shores, l ighthouses; and, quite surely, there can only be water and dams of 'oceanic feeling'. Texts cited : Adams, Vincanne. 'Karaoke as Modern Lhasa, Tibet: Western Encounters with Cultural Pol itics'. Cultural Anthropology 1 1 (4), 1 996. Cannell , Fenella. Power and Intimacy in the Christian Philippines. Cambridge Un iversity Press: Cambridge, 1 999. Cornell, Durcil la. Transformations: Recollective Imagination and Sexual Difference. Routledge: New York, 1 993 . Dussel, Enrique. 'Beyond Eurocentrism : The World-System and the Limits of Modernity' . The Cultures of Globalization. Eds. Fredric Jameson and Masao Miyosh i. Duke University Press: Durham, 1 998. Engberg, Juliana. 'Kenj i Yanobe'. Signs of Life. Melbourne International Biennial. Melbourne, 1 999. Guattari , Felix. 'Regimes, Pathways, Subjects'. Incorporations. Eds. Jonathan Crary and Sanford Kwinter. Zone: New York, 1 992 . Jameson , Fredric. 'Preface'. The Cultures of Globalization. Eds. Fredric Jameson and Masao Miyoshi. Duke Un iversity Press: Durham, 1 998. Macherey, Pierre. 'Marx Dematerialized, or the Spirit of Derrida'. Ghostly Demaractions: A Symposium on Jacques Derrida 's Specters of Marx. Ed. Michael Sprinkler. Verso: London, 1 999. Mouffe, Chantal. The Return of the Political. Verso: London, 1 993. Ocampo, Manuel . 'Altered Natives: A Conversation Between Manuel Ocampo and Gaston Damag'. La Naturaleza de Cultura. Centro Andaluz de Arte Contemporaneo: Sevilla, 1 999 . Sassen, Saskia. Globalization and its Discontents: Essays on the New Mobility of People and Money. The New York Press: New York, 1 998. 70