The Fourth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

ARTIST ENDNOTES 4 Norman Bryson, 'The post-ideological avant-garde', in ed. Gao Minglu Inside Out: New Chinese Art, University of California Press, Berkeley, 1998, p.57. 5 Gao Minglu, 'Toward a transnational modernity: An overview of 'Inside Out: New Chinese Art", and Gao Minglu, 'From elite to small man: the many faces of a transitional avant-garde in mainland China', in Inside Out: New Chinese Art, pp. 31, and 161-2. 6 As note 5. SUH DO-HO– 'WHOAM WE?' pp.100-103 Janet Kraynak, 'Traveling in Do-Ho Suh's world', in Do-Ho Suh: La Biennale di Venezia, the 49th International Art Exhibition, Korean Pavilion [exhibition catalogue], Korean Culture and Arts Foundation, Seoul, 2001, p.45. 2 Suh Do-Ho interviewed by Priya Malhotra, 'Space is metaphor for history', Tema Celeste, no.83, January-February 2001, p.53. 3 Kraynak, p.46. HOWARDTAYLOR - DRIVEN TO ABSTRACTION pp.104-107 Howard Taylor, quoted in Gary Dufour, Howard Taylor: Sculptures, Paintings, Drawings 1942-1984 [exhibition catalogue], Art Gallery of Western Australia, Perth, 1985, p.18. Gary Dufour and Ted Snell have contributed considerably to the scholarly documentation and interpretation of Taylor's work. 2 Mary Eagle, 1990 Adelaide Biennial of Australian Art [exhibition catalogue], Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide, 1990, p.78. 3 Howard Taylor, Artist's statement, in Joan and Peter Clemenger Triennial of Contemporary Art [exhibition catalogue], National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne, 1993, unpaginated. 4 Ted Snell, Howard Taylor: Forest Figure, Fremantle Arts Centre Press, South Fremantle, 1995, p.115. 5 Howard Taylor, quoted in Snell, Howard Taylor: Forest Figure, p.130. 111