APT6 in Review

11 Alfredo and Isabel Aquilizan’s In-flight (Project: Another Country) 2009, APT6 Opening Weekend, December 2009. Photograph: Natasha Harth Key Facts • APT6 featured 313 art works by more than 100 artists — including collaborations and collectives from over 25 countries — and 260 feature and short films. • APT6 attracted 531 994 visitors, with a daily average of 4432 visitors. • Of surveyed visitors, 57% were from metropolitan Brisbane, 13% from regional Queensland, 17% from interstate and 13% from overseas. • 98% of visitors surveyed enjoyed the exhibition. • Kids’ APT received over 130 000 visitors during the exhibition period. • The Kids’ APT Summer Spectacular was attended by over 67 000 visitors during the 11-day festival period. • Kids’ APT on Tour was held across 40 venues in regional Queensland, New South Wales and Victoria, including Brisbane children’s hospitals, with a total attendance of 4464. • Kids’ APT multimedia projects received over 105 000 combined hits during the exhibition period. • APT6 film screenings were attended by 10 311 visitors with 2580 visitors attending The Cypress and The Crow: 50 Years of Iranian Animation, 4051 attending Promised Lands and 3680 attending APT6 Filmmakers programs (Ang Lee, Takeshi Kitano, Rithy Panh) • Up Late was attended by 4641 visitors. • APT6 public programs were attended by 3352 visitors. • 24 380 students visited APT6 during the exhibition. Of this number, 86% visited the Gallery with Kids’ APT as the focus of their visit. • The exhibition was attended by 17 488 secondary students, 6330 primary students and 562 students from preschool, prep and vacation care groups. • Over 25% of students attending the exhibition were from regional centres. • The Gallery’s volunteer guides conducted 375 daily interpretive tours, which attracted 4445 participants. • APT6 virtual tours received 26 029 page views with 9385 unique visits. • APT6 audio tours totalled 1319 online downloads and 958 downloads from the Gallery’s wireless network.