The Seventh Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

130 Takahiro Iwasaki Modelling another view Tarun Nagesh 135 Susan Jacobs Frontier Bree Richards 136 Chia-En Jao Not just a dream Tamsin Cull 139 Tomoko Kashiki ‘A rock feels no pain and an island never cries’ Sarah Stratton 140 Sangdon Kim Walking in the city Reuben Keehan 145 Joanna Langford Imagined worlds Andrea Bell 146 An-My Lê Proof of a contradictory world Sally Foster 149 Shirley Macnamara Wingreeguu Diane Moon 150 MadeIn Company The rules of the game Kathryn Weir 155 Basir Mahmood Small gestures Rosie Hays 156 Sheila Makhijani Still painting David Burnett 159 Richard Maloy Big Yellow Andrea Bell 160 mixrice Going underground Reuben Keehan 163 Nguyen Manh Hung Vertical village Ellie Buttrose 166 Nguyen Minh Phuoc Red étude Bree Richards 169 Nguyen Thai Tuan Salt and water Michael Hawker 170 Manuel Ocampo An interview Russell Storer 173 Paramodel The imaginative possibilities of daily life Andrea Bell 176 Pratchaya Phinthong An interview Russell Storer 179 Phuan Thai Meng Papering over the cracks Julie Ewington 180 The Propeller Group An interview Maud Page 183 Sara Rahbar A terrible beauty Ruth McDougall 184 Wedhar Riyadi Colliding contradictions Laura Mudge 187 Edwin Roseno ‘Green hypermarket’ unpacked Zoe De Luca 190 ruangrupa An interview Julie Ewington 193 Dominic Sansoni Acts of remembering and regeneration José Da Silva 196 Greg Semu History and artifice David Burnett 201 Raqib Shaw In full bloom Sarah Stratton 202 Dayanita Singh Fictions unbound Miranda Wallace 205 Tadasu Takamine An interview Reuben Keehan 206 LN Tallur What are you afraid of? Reuben Keehan 209 Fiona Tan Shifting tides Zoe De Luca 210 Sopolemalama Filipe Tohi Making the invisible visible Maud Page 213 Tromarama The secret life of objects Fiona Neill 214 Tintin Wulia Crossing borders Julie Ewington 217 Yuan Goang-Ming An interview Amanda Slack-Smith 218 Zhou Tiehai Cry, laugh, get rich David Burnett 16