The Seventh Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

Peter Brunt is Senior Lecturer in Art History at Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand. He is co-editor of Art in Oceania: A New History (Thames and Hudson 2012) and Tatau: Samoan Tattoo, New Zealand Art, Global Culture (Te Papa Press 2010). Martin Fowler grew up in New Guinea, was architect for the Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery, and has studied and worked in Australia in practice, government and academia. He researches, consults, photographs and illustrates architectures and cultural patterns of Melanesia, and collects art and documentation on traditional, colonial and contemporary architecture and art. Epeli Hau’ofa is recognised as one of the most influential Pacific writers and scholars of our times. Born in Papua New Guinea in 1939 of Tongan heritage, he held a Doctorate from Australian National University, Canberra, and was a prolific writer of non-fiction, poetry and satire. He worked from 1983 at the University of the South Pacific and was the founder and Director of the Oceania Centre for Arts and Culture until his death in 2009. Joan Kee is an Assistant Professor in the History of Art at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, the first North American faculty position specifically designated for the study of modern and contemporary art in Asia. Her book, Contemporary Korean Art: Tansaekhwa and the Urgency of Method , is forthcoming (2013) from the University of Minnesota Press. Michael Kisombo is currently undertaking a Masters in Museum Studies at the University of Queensland. He holds a Degree in Education, University of Papua New Guinea, and an Advanced Certificate in Museology from the National Museum of Ethnology, Osaka, Japan. He has worked as an Education officer with the Papua New Guinea National Museum and Art Gallery for the last 14 years, and has completed internships in a number of museums, including the Queensland Art Gallery. November Paynter is Associate Director of Research and Programs, SALT, Istanbul. She has held the positions of Curator at Platform Garanti, Istanbul; Assistant Curator, 9th International Istanbul Biennial (2005); and Consultant Curator for ‘Global Cities’ (2007), Tate Modern, London. Independent curatorial projects include ‘Live Cinema/In The Round’, Philadelphia Museum of Art (2011) and ‘New Ends Old Beginnings’, Bluecoat Gallery, Liverpool (2008). Michael Wesley is one of Australia’s leading strategic analysts and commentators. His career includes appointments at universities across Australia and Asia, as well as in government. He was Executive Director of the Lowy Institute for International Policy from 2009 to 2012. Dr Wesley has also published widely and served as the Editor in Chief of the Australian Journal of International Affairs . QUEENSLAND ART GALLERY I GALLERY OF MODERN ART Andrea Bell, Project Assistant, Exhibitions Management David Burnett, Curator, International Art Ellie Buttrose, Assistant Curator, International Contemporary Art Andrew Clark, former Deputy Director, Programming and Corporate Services (until 25 July 2012); now Deputy Director, National Gallery of Victoria, Melbourne Tamsin Cull, Senior Program Officer (QAGOMA Members) José Da Silva, Senior Curator, Australian Cinémathèque Zoe De Luca, former Curatorial Assistant, Exhibitions and Research Julie Ewington, Curatorial Manager, Australian Art Sally Foster, Assistant Curator, International Art (pre 1975) Angela Goddard, Curator, Australian Art to 1975 Sushma Griffin, Curatorial Intern, Asian and Pacific Art Rosie Hays, Associate Curator, Australian Cinémathèque Michael Hawker, Assistant Curator, Australian Art to 1975 Reuben Keehan, Curator, Contemporary Asian Art Donna McColm, Head, Public Programs, Children’s Art Centre and Membership Ruth McDougall, Curator, Pacific Art Peter McKay, Curator, Contemporary Australian Art Bruce McLean, Curator, Indigenous Australian Art Diane Moon, Curator, Indigenous Fibre Art Laura Mudge, Project Assistant, Managerial Research Tarun Nagesh, Assistant Curator, Asian Art Fiona Neill, Public Programs Coordinator Maud Page, Senior Curator, Pacific Art Suhanya Raffel, Acting Director Bree Richards, Assistant Curator, Contemporary Australian Art Kate Ryan, Curator, Children’s Art Centre Amanda Slack-Smith, Assistant Curator, Australian Cinémathèque Russell Storer, Curatorial Manager, Asian and Pacific Art Sarah Stratton, Senior Communication Officer Sarah Stutchbury, Senior Managerial Researcher Miranda Wallace, Curatorial Manager, International Art, Exhibitions and Research Kathryn Weir, Curatorial Manager, International Art and Australian Cinémathèque CONTRIBUTING AUTHORS SARA RAHBAR Iran/United States b.1976 Glorious Haze (detail) 2012 Handwoven textiles, silver braid, keys, a brass chain, military emblems, pins, buttons and bullet casings, and a sweet heart pendant from an American World War 2 soldier on vintage American flag / 150 x 89cm / Purchased 2012. Queensland Art Gallery / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery PREVIOUS PAGES Rex Maukos painting ceiling panels for the Kwoma Arts APT7 commission Koromb ( Spirit house ) 2012, Sepik Workshop, Brisbane, February 2012 310