The Seventh Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

1 See < >, viewed 13 June, 2012. 2 Albert Refiti, telephone conversation with the author, September 2010. Albert Refiti was instrumental in early discussions regarding this idea, and his forthcoming PhD is entitled Archaeology of the present: A spatial exposition of Samoan architecture. 3 Margaret Jolly, ‘Kastom as commodity: The land dive as Indigenous rite and tourist spectacle in Vanuatu’, in Lamont Lindstrom and Geoffrey M White (eds.), Culture, Kastom, Tradition: Developing Cultural Policy in Melanesia , University of South Pacific, Suva, 1994, p.135. In 1954, naturalist David Attenborough was the first to televise the land divers’ exploits, bringing the practice world attention, while New Zealander AJ Hackett was the first to commercialise this adrenalin-fueled activity; the practice was immortalised in the James Bond film GoldenEye 1995. 4 Ruth McDougall, Curator, Pacific Art, and Michael O’Sullivan, Senior Exhibition Designer, along with co-curator Martin Fowler, travelled to Papua New Guinea in July and November 2011. Subsequently, ten artists carved and painted the two haus tambaran as part of an eight- week residency at the Queensland Art Gallery, starting in January 2012. 5 Richard Maloy, telephone conversation with the author, 4 November 2011. 6 Claire Bishop, Installation Art: A Critical History , Tate Publishing, London, 2005, p.133. 7 See Sriwhana Spong, Tree House [exhibition catalogue], Sue Crockford Gallery, New Zealand, 2004. The price was based on the cost of one night, with Auckland water views similar to those seen from his dealer’s gallery. 8 Joanna Langford quotes from the American philosopher turned bike shop mechanic, Matthew Crawford, who lauds the benefits of manual work: ‘Their gathering, forming, joining, balancing, constructing, negotiating and, sometimes, concluding, produces something from nothing’. Joanna Langford, email to the author, 21 March 2012. 9 Langford, email to the author. 10 Joanna Langford, quoted in Cassandra Fusco, ‘Optimisms and cautions’, World Sculpture News , autumn 2009, p.65. 11 Albert Refiti, ‘Making spaces. Polynesian architecture in Aotearoa New Zealand’, in Sean Mallon and Pandora Fulimalo Pereira (eds.), Pacific Art Niu Sila: The Pacific Dimension of Contemporary New Zealand Arts , Te Papa Press, Wellington, 2002, p.209. 12 Tusi Tamasese’s O le tulafale ( The Orator ) 2011 is screening as part of the APT7 Cinémathèque program. 13 Karen Stevenson, Filipe Tohi: Journey to the Future — Makahoko mei Lotokafa [unpublished manuscript], chapter 3, p.7. 14 See Tautai Contemporary Pacific Arts Trust , <http://www.tautai . org/sopolemalama-filipe-tohi/>, viewed 14 May 2012. See also Tui Atua Tupua Tamasese Efi, ‘Resident, residence, residency in Samoan customs’, in Su’esu’e Manogi: In Search of Fragrance , National University of Samoa, Apia, 2008. 43