APT7 Exhibition Report

The Hon. John-Paul Langbroek, mp , Minister for Education, Training and Employment, and then Acting Arts Minister, at the APT7 Preview, GOMA, December 2012; in the foreground: Kwoma Arts’ Koromb ( Spirit house ) 2012; in the background: Richard Maloy’s Big Yellow 2012 oPeninG eVents and ProGraMs ‘I really enjoyed the opening weekend — it was super fun and participating in the cooking session was a highlight for me because it was a totally new experience!’ rosLisHam ismaiL (AKA ise) , APT7 ExHIBITING ARTIST The opening of APT7 was celebrated with a vibrant weekend program of special previews, talks, tours and performances that attracted more than 18 000 visitors. Audiences enjoyed the opportunity to engage directly with visiting artists and curators. media preview More than 85 representatives of the local, national and international media attended the Media Preview on Friday 7 December. Speakers included Professor Susan Street, Chair, QAGOMA Board of Trustees, as master of ceremonies; Aunty Joan Collins, Senior Indigenous Liaison Officer, QAGOMA; and Suhanya Raffel, then Acting Director, QAGOMA. Following a performance and Welcome to Country by North Stradbroke Island Yulu‑Burri‑ Ba dancers, visiting dance groups from the Tiwi Islands and the Kwoma, from East Sepik River, Papua New Guinea, also performed. apt7 preview The APT7 Preview on the evening of Friday 7 December marked an important opportunity to acknowledge the many people who have contributed to, supported, and been part of the APT over its 20‑year history. More than 600 guests — sponsors, partners, representatives of the arts sector and government, and exhibiting artists — attended the Preview. Professor Susan Street, Chair, QAGOMA Board of Trustees, acted as master of ceremonies and Uncle Des Sandy provided the Welcome to Country. Other speakers included Suhanya Raffel, then Acting Director, QAGOMA; the Honourable John‑Paul Langbroek, mp , Minister for Education, Training and Employment, then Acting Arts Minister; and Mark Macfarlane, then Vice President of Santos GLNG. 39 opeNiNg eveNts aNd programs