APT7 Exhibition Report

Mixrice discussing their work during the APT7 opening weekend, GOMA, December 2012 Paul Barclay, presenter of ABC Radio National’s Big Ideas , hosting GOMA Talks: Australia in the Asian Century, GOMA, February 2013 ‘The APT7 exhibition is great! Definitely worthy of repeated visits and there are so many varied children’s activities. It is great to see that much of the exhibition is interactive.’ iNdri Hutapea , QAGOMA MEMBER The role of the APT in fostering public debate and sharing cutting‑edge contemporary art practices from across the Asia Pacific region was strengthened by the Gallery’s public programs presented throughout the exhibition. Following the major opening weekend program, which featured new performance commissions and a rich program of international guest talks and discussions, the APT7 public program continued to examine the exhibition’s themes and attract significant audience participation through innovative programming. QAGOMA staff expertise was highlighted through ‘New Art’ floortalks that explored commissioned art works in APT7; Conservation staff shared background to preparing art works for display with the Gallery’s valued My Gen 50+ audiences; and local academics introduced the global contexts for the production of contemporary art in countries including Papua New Guinea and Japan. programs aNd eveNts A range of programs helped visitors engage with the themes and ideas in APT7, including a series of seven ‘new art’ floortalks by QAGOMA curators, in‑conversation events with exhibiting artists, and Hu: In Meditation , an artist project performance commissioned as part of APT7 artist Parastou Forouhar’s Written Room installation. Behind‑the‑scenes and after‑hours talks by curatorial and conservation staff, as well as focus sessions by special guests, were offered as part of the My Gen 50+ program. goma taLks GOMA Talks, the Gallery’s lively evening discussion program, returned during APT7 to examine Australia’s place in the ‘Asian Century’. Presented in partnership with ABC Radio National, the program explored topical issues facing the Asia Pacific region, including international relations, cultural memory, history and place in contemporary society, everyday life and culture, and political policy in the region. Radio National guest hosts Paul Barclay, Kate Evans, Sarah Kanowski and Geraldine Doogue, ao , were joined by 15 expert speakers from a range of specialist fields. Participants included: • George Megalogenis, author and political commentator • Jason Yat‑sen Li, social commentator and Managing Director, Yatsen Associates, Beijing • Beck Cole, filmmaker • Alison Page, designer and Executive Officer, Saltwater Freshwater Arts Alliance PUbLic ProGraMs 47 puBLiC programs