APT7 Exhibition Report

oNLiNe Coverage International websites provided the second highest level of electronic media coverage (after national television), highlighting international interest in the exhibition. International online coverage was generated by 36 different websites from the United States, New Zealand, Hong Kong, China, the United Kingdom, Turkey, Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, Singapore, Germany and France. Highly respected news websites, such as the New York Times and the Huffington Post , and highly regarded art websites, particularly from the Asia Pacific region, also covered the exhibition on their sites. The travel section of the New York Times website carried an article entitled ‘36 hours in Brisbane’, which applauded QAGOMA as the ‘most notable and culture‑rich’ tourist attraction in Brisbane. This story also appeared in the print version of the NewYork Times . Domestic online sources also generated a high level of media coverage (55 items). Of the 37 Australian websites to carry stories on APT7, the most prominent were ABC Online , Brisbane Times , The Weekend Edition and BLOUIN ARTINFO Australia . teLevisioN Significant television news stories on APT7 were broadcast by Channel Ten, ABC TV1, ABC News 24, The Australia Network, Channel Nine’s TODAY Show , ABC News (Qld), Channel Ten News (Qld), Channel Seven News (Qld), Channel Nine News (Qld) and SBS News . Two major documentaries commissioned by ABC TV (Arts) and Channel Ten were broadcast nationally in February 2013. Channel Ten’s documentary Art Without Borders aired on 2 February 2013. Artscape APT7 — Our Century, Our Art aired on ABC1 on 26 February 2013. radio APT7 achieved more than 30 dedicated radio stories on ABC Radio National ( Breakfast, Books + Arts Daily , Weekend Arts , Hindsight , Big Ideas and Saturday Extra ), Radio Australia ( Pacific Pulse ), ABC News Breakfast, 612 ABC Radio, Radio 4BC and Radio 96.5FM. ABC Radio National produced two documentaries, the first focused on the Indonesian artist collective Ruangrupa and the second on artists from the Sepik River region of Papua New Guinea. These were broadcast nationally and featured on QAGOMA TV, greatly assisting in extending the reach and awareness of APT7 to broad Radio National listeners. NatioNaL priNt More than 40 reviews and major stories on APT7 appeared across national news, arts and lifestyle outlets. Australian news outlets included The Weekend Australian , Sydney Morning Herald , The Age , The Australian Financial Review , The Canberra Times , The Adelaide Review , The Courier-Mail , Qweekend Magazine and The Sunday Mail . Lifestyle and travel press included Vogue , Vogue Living , Indesign , Queensland Homes , Qantas: The Australian Way and Voyeur . National art journals included Art & Australia , Art Monthly Australia , Artlink , Australian Art Review , Broadsheet , Eyeline , RealTime+Onscreen and Craft Arts International . Coverage was particularly strong across Queensland regional newspapers. More than 40 news stories and highlights on APT7 appeared in regional, and drive‑market press outlets including Redcliffe & Bayside Herald , Toowoomba Chronicle , Sunshine Coast Daily , Gold Coast Bulletin , Hervey Bay Observer , Fraser Coast Chronicle , The Cairns Post , Cairns Sun, Daily Mercury and Gladstone Observer . ABC Radio National presenter Sarah Kanowski interviews exhibiting artist Tiffany Chung during the APT7 opening weekend, GOMA, December 2012 70 media