The Eighth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

Choi Jeong Hwa Born 1961, Seoul, South Korea The Mandala of Flowers 2015 Choi Jeong Hwa produces artworks that celebrate the aesthetic of cheap plastics, kitsch souvenirs and popular imagery found in the flea markets and street stalls of Seoul. For APT8 Kids, young visitors will be invited to take part in an activity where they can explore the beauty of everyday objects by creating mandala-like shapes using a colourful array of plastic bottle tops and lids. Displayed alongside the artist’s major APT8 artwork Cosmos 2015, a vibrant large-scale installation also created from plastic, this activity creates an immersive environment of colour and pattern. Nge Lay Born 1979, Pyin Oo Lwin, Myanmar Family 2015 Nge Lay’s APT8 work The sick classroom draws attention to the state of education in Myanmar and calls for equality for children who live in rural and urban areas. For her APT8 Kids project, the artist facilitated a series of drawing workshops with children in Myanmar, inviting them to consider the importance of family. A selection of these drawings is displayed in the Gallery, providing young visitors with an insight into the lives of children in a different part of the world. Drawings by children in Queensland will be exchanged with the participants in Myanmar. CHOI JEONGHWA South Korea b.1961 The Mandala of Flowers 2014 Plastic container lids / Courtesy: The artist NGE LAY Myanmar b.1979 The sick classroom 2013 Installation view, ‘Open Sea’, Musée d’art Contemporain de Lyon 2015 / Photograph: Anne Simmonot / Image courtesy: Musée d’art Contemporain de Lyon 234—235 APT8 KIDS