The Eighth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art
Marcel Meltherorong Born 1975, New Caledonia/Vanuatu Ni-Vanuatu people Na Ghimbo 2015 For APT8 Kids, Marcel Meltherorong introduces children to the art of sand drawing, an important way of sharing information and stories in some parts of Vanuatu. Children will be invited to complete a drawing template based on a sand drawing design associated with the yam called Na Ghimbo , from the island Vao on the north-east of Malekula. The yam is a staple and sacred food in Vanuatu and has been used as the key ingredient in a special meal for children at the GOMA Cafe Bistro. Young visitors will also be able to view a yam garden on display as part of the Yumi Danis (We Dance) project on the Maiwar Green outside GOMA as part of APT8. UuDam Tran Nguyen Born 1971, Kontum, Vietnam Draw 2 Connect with License 2 Draw 2015 UuDam Tran Nguyen is interested in the rapid pace of change in Vietnam, and in bringing people together from different parts of the world. For APT8 Kids, he presents a multimedia interactive based on a previous artwork License 2 Draw , an app that allows users to draw using remote- controlled cars. In the version for APT8 Kids, young visitors will be able to create a virtual drawing by manoeuvring a digital car across a large-scale projection screen. Each child’s drawing will remain on the projection screen, contributing to a collaborative artwork that builds up over the course of a day. Artist Marcel Meltherorong creating a sand drawing, Bilene, Mozambique, May 2014 / Photograph: Sarah Doyle, Further Arts UUDAMTRANNGUYEN Vietnam b.1971 License 2 Draw 2013 Interactive app (remote-controlled drawing experience) / Image taken at Koganecho Bazaar Artist-in-Residence, Yokohama 2013 / Photograph: The artist
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