The Eighth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

SPONSORS Founding Supporter Queensland Government Principal Sponsor Audi Australia Principal Partners Tourism and Events Queensland Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy (Federal Government) Major Partners Australian Government through the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade QAGOMA Chairman’s Circle: 20|20 Optical Anthony John Group Arkhefield Ausenco Bligh Tanner Clemenger BBDO Egon Zehnder FIIG Securities International Education Services NAB Private Wealth Rio Tinto Alcan Stephenson Mansell Cultural Partners Creative New Zealand Ishibashi Foundation Poemart Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade through: Australia–China Council Australia–India Council Australia–Indonesia Institute Australia–Korea Foundation Airline Partners Virgin Australia Singapore Airlines Tourism and Media Partners Accor Hotels Brisbane Airport Corporation Brisbane Marketing Channel 7 JC Decaux Southern Cross Austereo through Hit 105 Wine and Sparkling Partner Yering Station INTERNATIONAL VISITORS PROGRAM Australian Government through the Australia Council, its arts funding and advisory body APT8 KIDS Principal Benefactor Tim Fairfax Family Foundation KIDS ON TOUR Proudly supported by the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation ASIA PACIFIC COUNCIL Members Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade Trade and Investment Queensland Brisbane Airport Corporation Principalis Urban Art Projects Griffith University APT8 was generously supported by Chartwell Trust, Auckland, New Zealand. ARTISTS The Gallery acknowledges and sincerely thanks the APT8 exhibiting artists, performers and filmmakers and their representatives. LENDERS The Gallery is grateful to the lenders to the APT8 exhibition: Hassall Collection Len Lye Foundation Ngā Taonga Sound & Vision —New Zealand Archive of Film, Television and Sound Ross Bonthorne Collection SaVAge K’lub Margaret Aull Jess Holly Bates Eric Bridgeman Salvador Brown Precious Clark Croc Coulter Bethany Matai Edmunds Lisa Fa’alafi John Gow Charlotte Graham Katrina Igglesden Jimmy Kouratoras    Numatangi McKenzie Ani O’Neill Maryann Talia Pau Queensland Museum Aroha Rawson Siliga David Setoga Molana Sutton Reina Sutton Suzanne Tamaki Niwhai Tupaea UQ Anthropology Museum Mike Weston Honus Tandijono The Harriett and Richard England Collection and other private collectors who wish to remain anonymous Acknowledgments The Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art gratefully acknowledges the valuable contribution made to ‘The 8th Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art’ by the artists and the following sponsors and supporters.