The Eighth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

1   The article ‘Demolition firm may be memory’ ( Australian , 28 August 2009) describes Deen Bros as a company who has ‘a long history in Brisbane of being the demolishers of choice under the Bjelke- Petersen government. Using the joint weapons of surprise and darkness, they were responsible for destroying some of the city’s best-known and loved buildings’. Deen Bros are still in operation in 2015 with the online maxim ‘All we leave behind are the memories’. www.theaustralian. demolition-firm-may-be-memory/story- e6frg90f-1225766935308, viewed 8 August 2015. 2   Email correspondence with Maud Page, 30 July 2015. 3   Guy Brett, ‘David Medalla: On a General Attitude and Two Works in Particular’, in Carnival of Perception SelectedWritings on Art , INIVA, 2004, p.74. 4 culture/747400/strange-case-david- medalla-part-one. David Medalla in conversation with Adam Nankervis online at: mm?id=707, viewed 22 August 2015. Mousse , issue no.29, June 2011. CHRISTIAN THOMPSON Australia/UK b.1978 Bidjara people, Western Queensland Trinity I, II, III (from ‘Polari’ series) 2014 Type C photographs / 100 x 75cm (each) / Purchased 2015. Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery 40—41 HOW FAR CAN YOU RUNWITH THE WORLD BEHIND YOU?