The Ninth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

19 CAO FEI China b.1978 Asia One (still, detail) 2018 HD video installation, 63:20 minutes, colour, sound, ed. 1/8 / Purchased with funds from Tim Fairfax ac through the Queensland Art Gallery | Gallery of Modern Art Foundation 2018 / Collection: Queensland Art Gallery SPONSORS SPONSORS MAJOR PARTNER AIRLINE PARTNER FOUNDING SUPPORTER STRATEGIC PARTNER WINE PARTNER HOTEL PARTNER ASIA PACIFIC COUNCIL MEMBERS GRANTORS PRINCIPAL PARTNER Thisprojecthasbeenassistedby theAustralianGovernment through theAustraliaCouncil, itsarts fundingand advisorybody,and theVisualArtsandCraftStrategy,an initiativeof theAustralian,StateandTerritoryGovernments. TOURISM & MEDIA PARTNERS SUPPORTING PARTNERS CULTURAL PARTNERS APT9 KIDS PRINCIPAL BENEFACTOR