The Ninth Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art

INTRODUCTION 25 The Triennial’s challenging design, logistical, conservation, research, publishing, promotional and partnering requirements are among the most complex that the Gallery undertakes. For more than meeting those demands, I recognise all the members of the wider team who contribute so magnificently to the making of this exhibition. Once the doors open, another talented team manages a vibrant program of opening weekend events, attended by tens of thousands of visitors, followed by months of special programming. This monumental project and its attendant programs, performances and events defines QAGOMA at its best. For APT9, we have welcomed a panel of interlocutors who have brought specific expertise to the project. These industry leaders and respected curators, artists and thinkers joined staff in a series of discussions around the content and form of APT9’s programs, helping to broaden the relevance and reach of the exhibition. I also thank the members of the Gallery’s Indigenous Advisory Panel for their counsel. First established for APT8, the Panel has evolved into a permanent source of advice for the Gallery on matters of importance to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities. We also acknowledge our steadfast group of sponsors and supporters from many sectors — all of whom recognise the value in an endeavour of APT9’s scope and scale. The Queensland Government — through the Premier, The Hon. Annastacia Palaszczuk, and Minister for the Arts, The Hon. Leeanne Enoch — is the Founding Supporter of the APT. We thank Strategic Partner, Tourism and Events Queensland, and Principal Partner, the Australian Government through the Australia Council for the Arts, its arts funding and advisory body, and the Visual Arts and Crafts Strategy. The Australia Council is again supporting the International Visitors Program, and UAP is our Major Partner. The Tim Fairfax Family Foundation has provided invaluable support to the APT9 Kids program, publication and touring program. On behalf of the Gallery, I thank every supporter, partner, sponsor and contributor, and, most importantly, every artist who has contributed to the success of APT9. Endnote 1 Caroline Turner, ‘Introduction: From extraregionalism to intraregionalism’, in The First Asia Pacific Triennial of Contemporary Art , Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane, 1993, pp.8–9. As this publication went to print, the Gallery was saddened to learn of the passing of one of its contributors, artist and historian Gideon Kakabin (1956–2018). A remarkably generous supporter of QAGOMA, he will be missed by many in both Papua New Guinea and Australia.