APT Bulletin Vol.3 No.1

• Arahmaiani Indonesia b.1961 Periormance Handle without care, Second Asia-Pacific Triennial, 27 & 28 September 1996 • Takashi MURAKAMI Japan b.1962 And then, and then and then and then and then 1994 Purchased 1996. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Queensland Art Gallery Collection ,.-... . ; ·.~ < {?{~ ~ ,. . ~! ,. ! ~·/:(: ·.: . -: . 'f ''...:~·· ~~,.... ~K~~ .... ;.::·~~:1 • N.N. RIMZON India b.1957 Blue shadow 1995 Purchased 1996 Queensland Art Gallery a Dadang Christanto Indonesia b1957 Pertormance For those who have been killed, First Asia-Pacific Trlenrnal, September 1993 • Mathias Kauage Papua New Guinea b.1944 Okuk with Misses Nahau Runi and Stephen Taku 1987 Australian Museum, Sydney Collection Exhibited during the First Asia-Pacific Triennial, 1993 • Xiaogang ZHANG China b.1958 Three comrades (from 'Bloodline: The t11g lamily' series) 1994 Purchased 1996. Queensland Art Gallery Foundation Queensland Art Gallery Collection