Kids' APT - A collaboration

ARTIST WORKSHOPS My River, My Future with Madeleine Kelly and Anna Tuyen Tran Artist Rich Streitmatter-Tran organised a series of children’s drawing workshops for Kids’ APT in cities near rivers in Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar. As part of this project, a series of workshops were also run in Brisbane during the Kids’ APT Summer Spectacular. With the guidance of local artist Madeleine Kelly and Vietnam-based artist Anna Tuyen Tran, young visitors were invited to draw their ideas about the Brisbane River and its future. A number of drawings then joined the display in the Gallery of Modern Art, and a selection was sent to the children who participated in workshops in Cambodia, Vietnam and Myanmar. Local artist Madeleine Kelly helps young visitors display their completed drawings as part of My River, My Future / Photograph: Katie Bennett As a workshop leader, I spent a lot of time watching the kids working on their art works. Perhaps the most interesting thing for me was the collaboration that occurred, even though each student was working on their own individual piece. It was fantastic to see them talking and exchanging ideas with each other, or with their guardians. Madeleine Kelly 61